
Horror story & your better future

Internet is a shitshow stage of wannabe clowns as you already experienced. Due diligence is a must. And we’ll come to that in a sec. But starting to fill this page up with humble-brags without real context would be stupidly-selfish (and just what most other websites on the planet are doing – trying to suffocate you with their “sugar-candy” & “balloons” – *getting chills* )

Let’s rather tell you about our clients BEFORE & AFTER.

The horror stories of clients.
Before they worked with us that is.

Catch 22 is that you don’t know you’ve chosen wrong until you’re so deep in rabbit’s hole you don’t see light at the end of your Project, not in front of you, nor going back.


Buying stuff you don’t need!

»One puzzle piece« sold & priced as complete picture for ”solving” ALL your problems. In isolation. Not a part of converting strategy; strangers to visitors, visitors to customers, customers to repeated customers & referrals. Result? Bunch of money-eating products/services you never needed to begin with, without worthwhile results!


Building websites that suck!

Maybe pretty ones…but definitely full of ‘crickets’ – zero conversions visitors to prospects/customers. Likely slow and nerve-wrecking on top of that (check yours, then contact us to fix it). We rarely run into owners who have at least minimal optimizations in place. Result? Search engines & visitors avoid you like a plague!


Recommending strategies & tactics that don’t work!

Not that suggested stuff doesn’t work (that’s fact), but it’s heavily taxing your time, energy, focus, money, and any real chance to win big – to finally fix things for good. Irony? Everything works, maybe unsuitable for your current stage of business or resources. Maybe not executed correctly or fully, etc. Whoever sold you strategy/tactic should know better!


Making competition-promoting offers?!

Offers so same, unclear, or perceived irrelevant & “whatever” virtually forcing visitors of your website (aka leads & prospects) to, not just research, but spend their money with your competition. Result? You’re financing competitors whereas you’re left broke in the middle of desert. It’s sad. Fixable. But sad.

…inflated ad spends, NEGATIVE ad-campaigns, ghosting, cards stolen & charged, blocked accesses, emailing domains blacklisted, etc.

We could be telling horror experiences like this all day, but we won’t.

Evil clown or rookie clown, it doesn’t matter does it?

Horror stories usually start as fun & inspiring experience, full of hope, rainbows and butterflies…

untill inevitably “agency”, ”consultant” or “professional” shows their real face!

The moment you realize you hired “clowns” with shady intentions, your project becomes shitshow of damage control.

No more hope, rainbows and butterflies…you were ripped off!

Maybe not intentionally (not all digital marketing clowns are evil, some are simply rookies), but the fact remains.

Luckily for you, THAT days of pushing, shoving, scratching, clawing and hustling your face off to get ahead are finally coming to an end.

Hopefully…*fingers crossed*

So how can you know WE are the right choice, and not just another rabbit hole, pixelpushers chumps, fake gurus or clowns?

Here are a few reasons (and the AFTER part)…

Results based on science & experience. Not hopes & prayers.

We’re not just “web designers” or just “marketers”. We’re business growth consultants owning businesses ourselves across all three delivery modelsDIY – think Courses, SaaS, Digital Products, DWY – 1:1 & Group Programs and DFY – Agency. We should know “a thing or two” on how to achieve growth for your service/knowledge-based business online.

It’s where uplevelKit Framework™️ was born.

It’s why ALL our products, workshops & services are Guaranteed.

And it’s our “unfair” advantage over our competition that does just this or just that.

You’ll fall in love with your business & your clients again.

Projects delivered on time

Clear and 100% transparent projects, that we’ve done gazillion times. All visible to you in project management software with clear start-end dates and where we currently are.

Clear & pre-defined expectations

Clearly defined baselines, how change & success look like and evaluation if we achieved what we agreed upon, what could be next & how it could be better.

Better ROI than you thought possible

More security, more money & freedom, more certainty, more memories, more time with your family, more sand between your toes…more of whatever makes it worthwhile for you.

We’ve got your back

Strong focus on maintainability, scalability, usability, and growth – you as an owner and your business. Future proofing your projects through optimization, adaptability & crazy-ass "go extra mile" support.

It’s much more
than just a thing we do.
It’s a mission.

  • Give underdogs a fighting chance advantage

  • Give experts power to impact more people with their expertise

  • Enable that freedom of choice for as many as humanly possible

  • Making it almost impossible to fail for businesses to get more customers/clients & deliver amazing results.

We want to help more entrepreneurs & experts make more money, feed their family, make better products and have better experiences for their employees, their customers, clients, partners…and themselves.

Yes, even if you don’t work with us…ever.